Dashly (WIP)

3D Grid-based platformer Mobile Game.

I have been working on Dashly since mid 2018, when I made a little prototype (you can see it here). I had to take some time off the project because I got a new job, but in July 2019 I revisited the project and decided to rebuild it from the ground for production. I have plans to release it on the Play Store in 2020.

I'm the solo developer so I'm in charge of every aspect of the project. My notebook comes always with me because I have come up with a pretty visual system to design levels in my spare time (bus to my job mainly).


  • Focus on the modularity of the assets, to improve the efficiency on iteration on later stages of the project.
  • Use an extensive StateMachine system for different objects of the game and a proper Object Pooling System.
  • Learn optimization techniques to get a stable performance.
  • Improve game visuals and polish animations (current art is placeholder).
  • Establish a monetization plan and use some techniques to improve on user acquisition and retention.